Darren Allridge
2 min readOct 15, 2021


With so many moving parts in my life, professionally, personally, romantically, it’s easy to add another iron to the fire. To that end, I’m moving to another place today. Veronica and I started packing last night. The place is a bit chaotic. Things aren’t truly organized, but my internet works and so does my laptop. So, I’m writing.

More than once, I’ve written about this list seeming mechanical. That at some point in the future, I’d more than likely change to something else. Yet, in the middle of a move, with so many things going on, I’m here writing.

The writing offers me a sense of stability. A sense of calm. A means to commune with my Creator and possibly my audience. Although I haven’t published any lists yet, those in my employ and those who’ve read some sample lists, find them insightful. So, I’ll keep writing. I’ll move into this next chapter. Eager and curious to see how things unfold.

Today, Friday, May 7, 2021, I am grateful that:

Another chapter is ending. Cool thing is when one chapter ends, another begins. As long as I continue to draw breath, there’s always more to come. I’m moving forward with childlike enthusiasm.

I’ve been afforded the chance to get ahead. For longer than I care to admit, I’ve been satisfied with the status quo. Yet, that’s now unacceptable. I can do better and I will. I’ve been moving with conviction and that pays dividends. It’s great to get ahead versus just maintaining.

Others can benefit from my conviction. I currently have multiple people in my employ. It’s great to be able to share the wealth. To help others grow. To see how they develop. It’s a great feeling and I’m happy for the opportunity.

Are you moving with conviction?

Can you name a couple of benefits from living that way?

Be Great. Be Grateful!!!

If you feel this will help you or someone you know, please share to your timeline.

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Read my gratitude lists during “lockdown” in the Philippines as the Covid-19 pandemic grew

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#begreat #journey #begrateful #life #chronicle #corona #coronachronicles

Darren Allridge

Author, editor, and business consultant. Mr. Allridge focuses on implementing systems to enhance his clients bottom line via process improvement.