Darren Allridge
2 min readSep 17, 2021


When going through tough times, keep going. A slight variant of the famous quote from Churchill seems appropriate this morning. The quote isn’t about tough times in life but for me, this particular morning, it’s about my routine.

I’m not entirely convinced of the efficacy of this list anymore. Some days it feels like a laborious chore, others I feel no connection, and some days it just feels like work. I keep going. I haven’t stopped yet.

One of the reasons I keep writing is — it’s a great way to start the day. Finding what I have in my life to be grateful for and putting it in writing focuses my mind on the positives. Another reason is no matter what else I do for the day, I’ve written something. Herb tasked me with “write something everyday” over five years ago and until now, my longest streak is about 4 months.

Casual engagement isn’t enough, life requires action — massive, sustained, and focused action will fulfill any purpose for which you’ve been chosen. I must remember those words.

Today, Thursday, December 17, 2020, I am grateful that:

Alexis posted a video expressing her gratitude for a number of things. It’s interesting to think that I’ve known her since birth and now she’s attending college, posting videos of items she’s grateful for on her way to work.

I awoke refreshed. I’ve started taking some additional supplements in hopes of increasing my energy levels and they seem to be working physically. Now I’ll implement some changes mentally and keep moving forward.

Dale and I had a conversation about several people we know mutually. He provided his experience with some past interactions and that gave me some insights about how to proceed. I’m thoroughly grateful for those who share their experience.

How do you express your gratitude?

Do you leverage the experience of others?

What’s your mantra? When faced with indecision, what do you say to keep moving?

Be Great. Be Grateful!!!

If you feel this will help you or someone you know, please share to your timeline.

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Read my gratitude lists during “lockdown” in the Philippines as the Covid-19 pandemic grew

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#begreat #journey #begrateful #life #chronicle #corona #coronachronicles

Darren Allridge

Author, editor, and business consultant. Mr. Allridge focuses on implementing systems to enhance his clients bottom line via process improvement.